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Quality Control Testing

Testing is part of our installation process. We test our work as we work to make sure we have complete solution coverage. This may include thermal scanning of hidden cavities we are injecting or difficult-to-see attic eaves. It also may involve air-leakage tests when we are installing air and moisture barriers. Ongoing testing is a standard part of our process and an integral part of attaining a complete solution.

Scans are also used to quality control building insulation installations. FOAM-TECH has been installing polyurethane foam insulation since 1982 and using infrared thermography to provide quality assurance since 1987. Because the chemical reaction between the components used in the production of polyurethane foam generates temperatures around 240° F, infrared scanning can be used to monitor foam injection work year-round. Scanning reveals voids that would become future cold spots if they remain unnoticed and are not filled. This equipment is also sensitive enough to detect the thickness of exposed spray-applied foam verifying that coverage is adequate to meet a project’s minimum R-value requirements. FOAM-TECH relies on infrared technology as its most valuable quality control tool.  Finally, scans are capable of locating air leakage in areas that have not been foamed such as between ganged framing members at headers, ridges, etc.  At FOAM-TECH, we provide superior insulation and permanent solutions to energy related problems.  Using state-of-the-art technology enables us to guarantee our work without reservation.

For more information, read “Infrared Thermography as quality control for foamed-in-place insulation.” This white paper was presented by Henri Fennell at the 1989 Thermosense XI conference.